Friday, July 17, 2009

It is all coming together!

I can't believe it has been 5 weeks since I have been on here. I am so sorry, but things have been so crazy. I have been swamped with planning the book release/signing party. The official will launch August 8th! Everything is coming together and it is going to be perfect. I should have an official copy in my hands within the next couple of weeks. Life has given me so many blessings and I am so excited that my dream is about to come true. It is such a big accomplishment for me get this book out there and I can't wait to hear what you all think. My official website is being built and business cards are in the creation stage as well.
I am officially an LLC, so that has also been very exciting. The name of my company is ChaeMae, LLC. It my nick name and I think it is absolutely perfect. Besides my book and public speaking, a big goal with my company is to create a clothing line for big girls...that yes, actually has cute clothes that we want to wear!
Everything just seems so overwhelming some days. I have had to swallow my big girl pill as my grandparents left me on my own as they returned to Michigan. I miss them everyday. Maggie is doing OK...she had to have a little re-visit to puppy boot camp, but I get her back today. She is getting spayed tomorrow...poor little thing, but I have been told that will help calm her down, so I am not going to lie, that excites me a little. :0) She is my world though and I am glad that I get go home to her sweet little face everyday.
Big things are happening and I am sorry I haven't been more in touch. It will be a lot easier now that the invites are out, the party planning is almost complete, and Maggie has her peeing under control! I can't wait until the big website is done and it will all be in one place. It will so much easier for me to maintain and keep up with. It will also be where you can order my book! I promise to be better about keeping you updated on the latest, now that I have some breathing room.
Here is my quote for today..."If it is going to be, it is up to me!" ~ Anonymous
Remember, you have the control to make your life what you want it to be. Believe in who you are and what you have to offer because I think you are pretty fantastic!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Many Updates...

Well, as you can see, I have not been very good about keeping in touch. I am sorry and I am truly going to make a better effort. Sometimes it seems that life is so crazy and hectic. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off. Still, it is no excuse because it is actually a form of therapy for me and I should do it everyday in that case! :0)
Where to begin...I think I will start with Maggie. She has had a very exciting few weeks. Now, don't laugh at me, but she has just returned from Puppy Bootcamp! There, she was housebroken and crate trained. I was so excited to see her after 2 1/2 weeks. She was so thoughtful and as a gift for me, when she got home she took a big pee on my new bedding!!!!! It took all I had not to pack her back up, take her to the camp and say FIX IT! Apparently, there is a small trauma stage upon returning home and since her scent was not on the new bedding, she was putting it there! I feel there are other ways to go around it...such as, rolling around, but nah...not when you can pee! She and I had a little chat and things have been great since. It is so funny how just having her around puts a smile on my face. It is not as lonely and she makes me laugh with her diva personality. I have no idea where she picks that up from!
Now, on to the book. This has been such a process. I think the last thing I told you was that I changed cover designers and was working on that. Well, last night I received the official copy of my book cover...front and back! It is absolutely beautiful :0) Fred has exceed my expectations and I can't wait to work with him again. I should have a finalized cover and sending it out to publishing by Friday. It is so exciting to think that in like 10 days, I could be holding the first copy of my book. This has been an amazing process and the outcome is going to wonderful. I just hope that it is liked by all who read it. Now, I know you can't please everyone, but I would like to take on a majority. When the book is published, that is when the road to public speaking will begin. I hope to begin that sometime in July. There will be a book release party in Orlando sometime in the beginning of July. I am so excited to begin this journey. I love talking to people, relating with them, and hopefully inspiring them in their own lives.
I am going to quote the famous Hannah Montana..."Life's what you make it, so let's make it ROCK!" I love this because it is true, life it too short to be miserable. By loving and accepting who you are and they life that you have, the more amazing the experience will be!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Wow, I just realized how long it has been since I have written on here. Shame on me! I have been so overwhelmed lately. In my last blog, I mentioned that my book was going to publishing. Well, there has been a clitch because of the cover design. I cannot find the right person for the job. Luckily, I just got in touch with a friend from college and he is an illustrator and his company is going to do my book cover...thank goodness! So, things with the book are back on track. I have a photo shoot on May 10th for my head shots. I have to admit, it makes me feel very glamorous! So, the new goal for the release of my book is the end of May. It seems like it keeps getting pushed further and further, but I have to make sure that it is perfect.
I had something very inspiring happen to me Monday at the gym. I was approach by a young lady who said she knew me from when I lived at UCF with my ex-husband. The moment she mentioned UCF, I knew exactly who she was. She asked what I was up to now and when I told her, her eyes welled up with tears and she said that I was doing exactly what she has been wanting to do. I couldn't believe it! It shows that we are meant to meet people at certain times and you never know who you are going to inspire. As I told her my story, you could see how touched she was by my words. We are going to be getting together to discuss how I can help her start to create her dream, so that in just a short time, she will be the one to inspire others. She has an incredible story as well. She really made my week and motivated me to stop feeling so overwhelmed and just do one thing at a time until everything gets done the way I want it to be. I was meant to talk to her at that specific time because that it what God does. He reaches us through various ways of communication. The trick is, we have to be willing to listen!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Exciting News...

Hello everyone!  I have some very big news to share.  My book is going to publishing next week!  I am so excited.  It seems so unreal because I would have never thought that this dream would become a reality.  Stay tuned for information on buying my book.  There will be a book release party in Orlando sometime in the beginning of May.  I would love to see all of you there.  I love meeting new people and sharing my story.  Please share this information with your friends and family.  I will keep you posted!

PS - I did get my puppy and her name is Maggie!  She is a bassug...half basset hound/half pug.  She is absolutely the most adorable dog I have ever seen.  I may be a little biased, but she is pretty cute!  I will put some pictures up soon.  She is the new love in my life :0)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My apologies...

     Hello everyone!  I want to take a moment and give my apologies for being absent this last month. I have written a book and I got a little self-involved and drifted away from society.  The book is finished and making its way to editing.  I am now back up and running with my blogs.  I have so much to share!  I am currently getting ready to upload a video on YouTube that briefly describes what my book is about.  I have addressed the video to Oprah because I am hoping that it will help get me on the guest list for her show.  She is an inspiring woman and being able to meet her and tell her about the goal for my book would definitely be a dream come true.  
     I do have an update on the puppy.  It is going to happen, but not until sometime this summer or fall.  I have decided on a miniature schnauzer and I want to name her Olivia.  The is another goal that I will be working towards, along with getting my book published and speaking engagements to help get my message out there to all of you amazing big women!  

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A week of revelations...

This week has just been one big eye opener! My divorce was official on Monday, I finally realized why I so badly want a "someone special" in my life, I realized how much I actually do depend upon my grandparents, and I think I finally know what will make me feel better about being lonely. I know this is a lot to take in, but bare with me. I knew the divorce thing was coming, but the actual thought of being under 30 and divorced is what is getting me. I know that there are many people out there who are under 30 and divorced, but you just never think it is going to something "you" actually say. I so badly just want to move on that I was reaching for anything that I thought would help. Turns out, they only make it worse because when you step back and see what you are doing, you only hang your head and say "what the heck?" My grandparents have been gone for about a month now and I am dieing! This house is way too big and quiet without them. You never really understand what you have until it isn't around for awhile, so I will be so glad when they get back and my life returns to its normal routine. I am so okay admitting that I need them! I have been thinking that I am missing something in my life. I realized the other day that I don't really have anything that truly depends on me to take care of them. I have always been the one who takes care of everyone and now that I have no one, I am going crazy. There really is only one solution to my problem...a puppy! I have been thinking about it for a few months now and I am going to try my best to get this to work in my favor. I know it a far leap to get it to fly with my grandparents, but I am going to have faith in myself that I can pull it off. I am going to ask that you wish me luck! The latest updates of this challenge will be found right here, so stay tuned! Whew...what a week... :0)

Friday, February 6, 2009

A little about me...

Hello all! Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Chasity Mae and I am 28 years old. I have already been through so much in my life that it is quite shocking. I was raised by my grandparents, went to school to become a teacher, got married, got divorced, helped raise my niece, left teaching, got into the world of Network Marketing, began writing a book, and started my own company. Wow, what a busy bee I have been. The idea for this blog came from my bff, Petty. After hearing her thoughts, I discussed the idea with my manager and as you can see, I am up and running!
The idea for my company began with my book. My grandparents have been asking me to write a book for years, but I just never really bought into the idea that I had a story people wanted to hear. Last year I got the chance to attend a seminar hosted by Myron Golden. He is an entrepreneur who wrote a book called "From the Trash Man to the Cash Man." When he told his amazing story, I couldn't help but get drawn in. He had this way of talking to you that made you realize that anybody can do anything and he was proof. You could tell he inspired everybody in that room to make a change in their life. I decided right then that everybody has a story to tell. I looked back on my life and realized that I had quite a doozy of one! That was the start of my inspiration. I was going to write a book, become a public speaker, and help motivate and inspire "big girls" through my story. The reason I say "big girls" is because I have been a big girl most of my life. I graduated high school a size 18, so I know the struggles we face everyday. When I look at people, I don't see a size, but unfortunately we live in an image conscious world, so most people are caught up on the size of a person.
Until Myron, most people wanted to inspire or motivate me to lose weight because that is what they wanted for me. They assumed that I was miserable, unhappy, lonely, and depressed. The truth is, I never felt that way. I always liked who I was and I loved being me. I have an amazing family, incredible friends, a successful business, and I lead a life that I am proud of. The size of my body has nothing to do with any of it, but hearing that you need to lose weight all of the time can take a toll. You have to make the choice to be happy with who you are and not care what other people think. I made that choice and I know that I only deserve the best for myself. Please don't be misled, having self-confidence doesn't mean that I am conceited.
When I got divorced, I reflected back on a lot of things in my life and what I found shocked me. I was miserable and unhappy because I allowed someone else to have control of my life. I look at my divorce as a second chance to finally lead the life that I want, using my rules, and creating my happiness. I took back control with the help and support of my amazing grandparents and supportive friends. They believed in me the entire time and what was so amazing, is their belief led to me believing in myself. I promised myself that from 2009 on, I was no longer settling for anything less than everything!