Friday, May 1, 2009


Wow, I just realized how long it has been since I have written on here. Shame on me! I have been so overwhelmed lately. In my last blog, I mentioned that my book was going to publishing. Well, there has been a clitch because of the cover design. I cannot find the right person for the job. Luckily, I just got in touch with a friend from college and he is an illustrator and his company is going to do my book cover...thank goodness! So, things with the book are back on track. I have a photo shoot on May 10th for my head shots. I have to admit, it makes me feel very glamorous! So, the new goal for the release of my book is the end of May. It seems like it keeps getting pushed further and further, but I have to make sure that it is perfect.
I had something very inspiring happen to me Monday at the gym. I was approach by a young lady who said she knew me from when I lived at UCF with my ex-husband. The moment she mentioned UCF, I knew exactly who she was. She asked what I was up to now and when I told her, her eyes welled up with tears and she said that I was doing exactly what she has been wanting to do. I couldn't believe it! It shows that we are meant to meet people at certain times and you never know who you are going to inspire. As I told her my story, you could see how touched she was by my words. We are going to be getting together to discuss how I can help her start to create her dream, so that in just a short time, she will be the one to inspire others. She has an incredible story as well. She really made my week and motivated me to stop feeling so overwhelmed and just do one thing at a time until everything gets done the way I want it to be. I was meant to talk to her at that specific time because that it what God does. He reaches us through various ways of communication. The trick is, we have to be willing to listen!

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